I have been using Web3Modal to make a dapp, but recent MetaMask version adds eip155: prefix on chainId when sending chainId information to walletconnect server.
Is there a reason why eip155 prefix had to be added when other wallets just pass chainId?
Here are the logs I see when I use MetaMask 10.28.2.
request which is sent to server
geturl.js?f90c:48 POST https://rpc.walletconnect.com/v1/?chainId=eip155:1313161554&projectId=<PROJECT_ID>
Error: bad response (status=400, headers={"content-length":"128","content-type":"application/json"}, body="{\"status\":\"FAILED\",\"reasons\":[{\"field\":\"chainId\",\"description\":\"We don't support the chainId you provided: eip155:1313161554\"}]}", requestBody="{\"method\":\"eth_getBalance\",\"params\":[\"0xddfc269955f0224996665d3fc2b5af3e374c67ce\",\"latest\"],\"id\":42,\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\"}", requestMethod="POST", url="https://rpc.walletconnect.com/v1/?chainId=eip155:1313161554&projectId=0fc84e4f32cc63e35dc9ae87ff121201", code=SERVER_ERROR,
Like chainChanged, but with the networkId instead. Network IDs are insecure, and were effectively deprecated in favor of chain IDs by EIP-155 (opens new window). Avoid using them unless you know what you are doing.