Any chance to open metamask chrome extension from another chrome extension?

Hi, I’m working on a chrome extension with web3 wallet connect login.

I’m wondering is there any chance to use the INJECT metamask chrome extension within another chrome extension. That will be way much convenient than login by scanning a QRcode

Many thanks


Hey @0xchat, welcome to the MetaMask community! :fox_face:

This is not possible at the moment, as far as I am aware of, but very interesting :thinking:

Can you expand on what your use case for this is?


Can you expand on what your use case for this is?

We are working on a web browser extension, in which we hope to utilise MetaMask browser extension for account login.

According to Chrome extension v3 doc, there is a cross-extension channel. Just wondering if Metamask extenstion has got extension-level api for other browser extension.

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