Callback url in metamask, to get the status of transaction

Is there any functionality to provide callback url in MetaMask, to get the status of the transaction. I will explain a bit.
There is no smart contract to get callback, I am just transferring amount from one address to other address, I know we can get the transaction hash, but the what if the transaction is still pending. How will I get to know that the transaction is completed. So is there any functionality to add callback url, so we can get the update of transaction.

Hello @ujjwalmathur, welcome to MetaMask community!

Here is an older topic on the same subject as the one you’re inquiring about.

Also feel free to check the MetaMask Docs and MetaMask Github repository for anything that may prove helpful to your need.


Hello @ujjwalmathur !

Hello. You can wrap the funds transfer function in a Promise, and pass the execution conditions to resolve/reject

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