Can not send StarkStarter from Metamask to binance-JSON-rock error

Can not send StarkStarter from MetaMask to binance-JSON-rock error. TR-ID: 0x2ed54393545d5e106552be6f28139e63059c068f4752907ffe48b6ca73973c61

First of all, make sure that token is not a scam token, always dyor. If it’s legit, then make sure that the receiving end of where you want to transfer it, supports holding it for you, whether it’s a CEX or another wallet. You will need to have enough native coin for gas fees for the transaction to be able to send it away.


Thanks for answer. error code is: internal json-rpc error. in checked its not scam coin and I have anaught coins for gas.

Please take a look at this article:


hello. How many time its takes? help plz

can you tell my how many times will takes to fix it?

We will keep you updated, team is working on it


Hello. Still waiting to fixing. How work is?

hello :slight_smile: can i withdraw somhow? 0x293681f843c0f129536578723f27ceccc8662bbe

Hello. Withdraw what exactly? Please provide more details so that we might be able to answer your question.

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this message was days ago from MetaMask

today i sent to binance STARKSTARTER and did not receive
Holdings adress: 0x293681f843c0f129536578723f27ceccc8662bbe

You wrote to me a few days ago that we are working to fix it, see what is written above.

Seems like you sent funds to this address: 0x07A7a57DE81105ce95A39279bA4C8F4D334096DD

Is this the address of the centralized exchange called Binance? If yes, are you sure that Binance supports Starkstarter deposits?


This token has only 114 hodlers :slightly_smiling_face:
I doubt that it is on Binance… You can sell it on the PancakeSwap site :smiley: when it has some liquidity.

Has Low Liquidity :face_with_monocle:


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