Отправлял токен compoumd но он не пришел

добрый день!
отправлял свои токены с метамаск компаунд на кошелек окх, но он не пришел… в чем причина…?

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I checked the bscscan and the Binance-Peg Compound Coin is in your wallet. To see them in your MetaMask you need to add the Compound Tokens contract address. Using the Coinmarketcap site you can add the BEP20 contract address for Compound in your MetaMask wallet. You can add it manually too. The contract address is: 0x52ce071bd9b1c4b00a0b92d298c512478cad67e8 (Check on Coinmarketcap as well)

To add it manually, you need to do as follows:
Go to MetaMask —> Assets —> Import Tokens —> Token Contract Address ----> Add Custom Token

Hope that helps.


Since I am not sure if you understand English, I used an online translator to change my response to Russian. Hope that helps.

Составная монета Binance-Peg находится в вашем кошельке. Чтобы увидеть их в своем MetaMask, вам нужно добавить адрес контракта Compound Tokens. Используя сайт Coinmarketcap, вы можете добавить адрес контракта BEP20 для Compound в свой кошелек MetaMask. Вы также можете добавить его вручную. Адрес контракта: 0x52ce071bd9b1c4b00a0b92d298c512478cad67e8 (также проверьте на Coinmarketcap)

Чтобы добавить его вручную, нужно сделать следующее:
Перейдите в MetaMask —> Активы —> Импорт токенов —> Адрес контракта токена ----> Добавить пользовательский токен

Надеюсь, это поможет.


Hi, I will write in English.
Thanks for the feedback!
The fact is that I just had this wallet with the contact address 0x52ce071bd9b1c4b00a0b92d298c512478cad67e8 . And transferred it from my COMP wallet to another OKX exchange wallet.
Can you help me?

Made an import of the COMP token via the Ethereum network. Balance 0. The balance in the BSC network is the same as after sending the token

Hi, You’re welcome. Can you please elaborate the issue more? I did not get what you mean. By the way, I have checked the wallet address and it includes COMP on both Ethereum and BSC chain. Is the address yours? How can I help you?

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Yes, my address. The fact is that I had a COMP in the BSC network. I initiated a transfer to the OKX exchange (maybe the network was ERC). And now I don’t know what to do

At this address: 0x52ce071bd9b1c4b00a0b92d298c512478cad67e8

There are 6.1184 COMP on BSC network and 0.2014 COMP on Ethereum network. How much COMP did you transfer to OKX ?

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I checked the address on bscscan and seems like nothing has been transferred from the account to another one.

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You not understand me, this is not my address.
my address

I asked earlier whether the address is yours, and you mentioned that it is yours. Sorry, seems like there was a misunderstanding. Thanks for clarifying it. Let me check it again.


On May 11, you sent the COMP token to this address: 0xa24c2c6ce521caf42d3a51f5f6085a39190cc58b
Do you know this address?


yes this is my address on the OKX exchange. but my balance is 0

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I looked and realized that I was sending from metamask (via the BSC network) and only the erc20 network is available on OKH

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The COMP token you sent is in this address. I suggest you to contact the OKX support in this regard. They should be able to help you.


thank you very much! I was glad to talk!


It is my pleasure to help. :slightly_smiling_face: Do not forget to contact the OKX. Even though they may not support the BSC network for the COMP token, they will have access to the account. Good Luck!


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