Derivation Path Option for Trezor Hardware Wallet

When I’m setting up my Ledger Nano, I get the option to use Legacy (m/44’/60’/0’/0) or another option which I can’t recall, I believe it has the Derivation Path m/44’/60’/0’.

However when I connected my Trezor in which I have used the same seed phrase, I don’t get the option to choose a Derivation Path and therefore I can only see the non-Legacy addresses.
If anyone knows any way to “hack” into the existing version of MetaMask and change the Path to the one I need, please let me know, it’s important!

I also have this problem. I cannot find my wallet address that holds the money using the same seed. I tried to change my HD path on my trezor but it does not change, it stay the same through the three options: Ledger Live, Legacy, Bip44.

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Hi there, the team is expanding and part of that expansion is hiring on more developers related to all things hardware wallet. Once this happens, feature enhancement requests like this will be closely looked at. You can expect to see improvements of existing hardware wallet support and new features added towards the end of the year. Thank you for your patience, and for others here please keep upvoting ideas and suggestions to help us prioritize these on our product roadmap!