I can't cancel the swap

Soooo… I did everything wrong and now i cant cancel the swap. One of the transactions is dropped ( 0x073186c112174cb3ed45f3981dd3138f630a6056a569b68cf4d6dc656d3e10e0) one is pending ( 0xf4aada0efd269140f1878c444c7b68a093422bb24a25ce120747b52169b186e9). I dont now how I can undo it.


Hi @wioslo thanks for reaching out!

Do you still have an issue with canceling/swapping? Please check this article where you can find a few more options on how you can clear the transaction: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489251-How-to-Speed-Up-or-Cancel-a-Pending-Transaction

Kind regards,