Integrate a "Disconnect All" Function That Disconnects Dapps from All Accounts

Not sure if this is possible, but it would be convenient to hit a “DISCONNECT ALL” button, where it would disconnect all of my accounts from any connected dapps. I have to go into all 7 wallets individually and check for connected sites. It’s a lot of work in reality and sometimes I have to recheck all seven wallets two or three times because I feel like I missed something. I don’t like being disconnected to sites for long because of the amount of hacks these days. I also try to revoke contracts once in a while if possible. Thank you.




100% agree. MetaMask is late on this feature

absolutely agree - it’s embarrassing that you don’t have this feature when everyone else does, at least for one account at a time. How can you claim to be security focussed when some people have to go through 500 sites disconnecting from each one. Disgraceful in 2024!! PLEASE IMPLEMENT