Klaytn mainnet cypress

I can’t connect to the klaytn mainnet network. I can see this message.
Connecting klaytn mainnet cypress
But I don’t have access. I’m nervous. Help me.
For your information, I can access Ethereum Mainnet and Binance Mainnet.

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What network settings are you using to connect?

Thank you. i use Klaytn Mainnet Cypress.

What are the values you used for this page? (Please kindly not posting the same question on different categories, this would be considered as spamming)

Network Name : Klaytn Mainnet Cypress

New RPC URL : h t t p s://kaikas.cypress.klaytn.net:8651

Chain ID : 8217

Currency Symbol : KLAY

Currency Symbol(optional) : h t t p s://scope.klaytn.com

Thank you for helping me.

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me too.
thank you for help.

I started having problems since yesterday.

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Do you have the same problem as me?

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I can connected on my desktop.But I can’t connect on my mobile.

I can’t do both desktop and mobile. I am sad and anxious.

Today I can connected. And you?

Same issue, my klay are stuck on metamask, can’t send to anywhere and can’t swap them on KlaySwap