A solution please?? a download or print button is a simple service that all browsers allow… It is surprising that it is impossible to download a document in the mobile browser MetaMask…?
There is no error in the console…simply nothing is happening… But on desktop browser like chrome or firefox it’s working… The issue come from MetaMask Mobile Browser and despite the code we tried (JS, JQ, React) nothing is working. Ok we have at the end a screen and we want to allow user simply to download this screen as a pdf or in a click of the button open the native print dialog on their mobile. It’s like something in the code of the MetaMask mobile browser something blocked all script to download or print.
Is this problem present on both platforms (iOS, Android) ?
Did you run the application in an emulator to have access to the console, which is likely to display any error logs?
I tried only on IOS; The question is: is it possible to open the native IOS print dialog within the MetaMask mobile browser ? If yes can someone provide at least 1 code example?
Hello, following your request I made the tests in the console and as I said before no error appears.
Here is the link to CodeSandbox : codesandbox io/embed/047jjpv400
If you open this link on Safari desktop, IOS Safari mobile, Chrome Desktop or Chrome mobile and you press the print button it works perfectly!
But when you open the same link in the MetaMask mobile browser and press the print button nothing happens and no error is displayed in the console.
You can open this link yourself with the MetaMask mobile browser and see the console at the bottom of the page which does not show any error but still the print button does not work: codesandbox io/embed/047jjpv400 ( Insert a dot between codesandbox and io because here we can’t post link)