As a result of hard fork from EThereum. All address including tokens and the router are identical.
It’s just the matter of adding [censored ʀᴘᴄ link] with chainɪᴅ 513100.
There are currently no tools for swapping tokens on that chain which means MetaMask would be the only 1.
MetaMask supports the Merge and inherently the move of the Ethereum network from PoW to PoS. Any other forked Ethereum networks, that are EVM compatible, can be added to the MetaMask wallet, but how they’re being used is up to each who adds them.
Yes, any evm compatible network can be added to MetaMask but then this doesn t includes the MetaMask swsap router.
That MetaMask support the merge is unrelated as the choice of the Ethereum fair community to not support it is done through using a different chainɪᴅ than chainɪᴅ 1.
As a results, MetaMask token Swapping infrastructure also exists on Ethereum Fair. It’s just the matter of adding it to the ui.