Accidentally send ERC721 to Metamask: Swap Router

Hello, I have accidentally sent ERC721 token to Metamask Swap Router

please check, could you please send it back?

hi @oleksandrriznyk

I’m so sorry this happened. Would you be willing to share how this happened? I’d like to find ways to help users not make this mistake.

In terms of retrieving your NFT… I’m so sorry, but it is actually impossible for us to retrieve the NFT from the contract. We don’t have custody of funds/NFTs that are sent directly to the contract.

So it’s just gone? I did the same thing because Metamask conveniently puts this in as a “Recent” account. It got added immediately after I scanned a QR account for a different account to send my money to. So my money just vanishes back into some suspicious “contract” account?

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Hi, this has happened exactly the same to me. Did you get a solution? Cheers and best of luck!

No, start a support ticket. They need to know this is happening to multiple people

Already did buddy, in addition to reporting the issue on Twitter at the expense of 3 fakes profiles trying to exploit the situation!

This is why cryptos and blockchain have such a bad reputation! Inexistent customer support, wallets constantly hacked, people losing money for no reason… reassembles a lot with the wild west, no law, no order and every man for himself, a shame really as financial decentralization is such a beatiful idea!