It would be nice to add the ability to sort the list of networks manually. For example, as you can see in the screenshot, Palm network is in the fourth position, and I would prefer to move it to the bottom of the list since I don’t use it often.
GAWD I want this so bad… I’ve gotten to the point where I remove the networks I use most often and re-add then to keep them at the top of the list. Then of course new networks come along, I add them, and I gotta do it all over again! Sorting of networks and assets is something that should have been implemented a long time ago.
Please add this feature!!! I cant take it anymore trying to find networks and scrolling…
The insta swap chain feature is buggy and dapps often try to add RPC info instead of swapping chains
It is absolutely crucial to integrate this feature into MetaMask as it addresses an essential need that power users simply cannot afford to go without.