Hello, my name is Sabin and I have a very small proposal.
I have developed a blockchain with a consensus protocol that is indistingusable from instantanious, and reverse engineered the JSON RPC so it only sends a response to the eth_sendRawTransaction API call once the logic for transfer has been complete. This takes less than 0.01 seconds on average.
Unfortunately, because MetaMask only queries the eth_getBalance RPC endpoint every 30 seconds or so, it looks in MetaMask like the transaction is taking much longer than it actually does.
I think that adding this feature will help to make MetaMask a viable product for real-time payment processing.
Please let me know if this feature is possible, its only 1 extra API call that will not impact time complexity in any way.
Thnak you for your consideration.
p.s If you need to contact me, please email Sabin.Alexander.Hertz@gmail.com