I am developing a new L1 client and working on being able to send transactions through MetaMask. My system has transactions but otherwise it’s rather different from Ethereum, e.g. it doesn’t have blocks, so I have to make a few tweaks. I’ve basically tried to reverse-engineer the API implementation, currently I’ve implemented the following JSON RPC methods:
eth_blockNumber, eth_chainId, eth_estimateGas, eth_gasPrice, eth_getBalance, eth_getBlockByHash, eth_getBlockByNumber, eth_getCode, eth_getTransactionCount, eth_getTransactionReceipt, eth_sendRawTransaction, net_version, web3_clientVersion
The returned blocks consist mostly of dummy data, but I can still get a transaction to show up as confirmed in MetaMask. The issue that I’m having is that the balances don’t update after a succesful transaction. Basically, the issue is that no eth_getBalance
are triggered. I tried to trick MetaMask into performing eth_getBalance queries by incrementing the block number, but it doesn’t seem to trigger new requests even if I increment the block number on every eth_getBalance
query. I’m logging all requests, including failed ones, so I’m fairly sure that I would see if there were failed calls to eth_getBalance or any JSON RPC methods I hadn’t implemented yet.
As far as I can tell, the call chain for submitting a transaction seems to be: eth_sendRawTransaction
> eth_getTransactionReceipt
> eth_getBlockByHash
. My transaction receipt object currently looks like this:
{"blockHash": String("0x1"), "blockNumber": String("0x5"), "contractAddress":
Null, "cumulativeGasUsed": String("0x186A0"), "from": String("0x768D18226FB63Aa1A782357A1796A9D89f7dBB8e"), "gasUsed": String("0x186A0"), "logs": Array [], "status": String("0x1"), "to": String("0x21DD7e6361A8eDFD251ee3188B800F2A9F5C1541"), "transactionHash": Object {"transaction": String("0x45bba2071f7747624734c745b73b01b40c20e9c41da0d6d9a499c4ef8ad7110d")}, "transactionIndex": String("0x0"), "type": String("0x2")}
and the block returned by eth_getBlockByHash
like this:
{"difficulty": String("0x1"), "extraData": String("0x0"), "gasLimit": String("0x2386F26FC10000"), "gasUsed": String("0x0"), "hash": String("0x1"), "logsBloom": String("0x0"), "miner": String("0x2E51295eac313D95CD1871Cc8a2d95c4d4959f8E"), "nonce": String("0x1"), "number": String("0x5"), "parentHash": String("0x0"), "receiptsRoot": String("0x0"), "sha3Uncles": String("0x0"), "size": String("0x0"), "stateRoot": String("0x0"), "timestamp": String("0x0x65a5363b"), "totalDifficulty": String("0x1"), "transactions": Array [String("0x45bba2071f7747624734c745b73b01b40c20e9c41da0d6d9a499c4ef8ad7110d")], "transactionsRoot": String("0x0"), "uncles": Array []}
I’ve taken care that the hash in the transactions
array matches the hash from the transaction receipt at the specified transactionIndex
. As you can see, most of the other information is dummy data given that my system isn’t a blockchain. Some complications I’ve already tried addressing:
- It seems that MetaMask is caching the last known block number for a given network (nor sure what it’s using to identify them, though, chain ID or something else) and I couldn’t find a good way of removing that information, so I’m uninstalling the extension and clearing the browser cache before each test
- Even after waiting for several minutes the
update won’t get triggered, the only thing that consistently does it is connecting to a different network and then back to mine (but that’s not a solution for my users) - I’ve tried various ways to “trick” MetaMask into updating the balances, by incrementing the block number at various stages, but nothing seemed to work consistently.
Observed MetaMask behavior is a bit inconsistent, sometimes (rarely) the eth_getBalance will get triggered, but I can’t reproduce it consistently - I’m already trying to create as consistent conditions as possible (see above), I don’t know what else I could do. I’m a bit stuck where else I could look, my guess is that the issue is either that some crucial data is still missing from the dummy receipt / block or something else I haven’t figured out yet. I couldn’t really find much documentation for this either. The most closely related thing I could find in the forums was a feature request by someone with a similar problem (unfortuantely I don’t have permissions to post links yet), but there’s no discussion and it seems it’s not been implemented. Any help would be appreciated.