Approve Spending Limit message is misleading (i believe)

When i approve a spending limit, it means my tokens “inside the smart contact” can be transferred to other wallets by it, right? but it sounds like the smart contract can directly withdraw my money from my wallet. The message should be changed

yes thats a good idea
most important for Beginner

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Thank you for your feedback!

Can you provide a screenshot of the message you’re referring to and specify when you receive that message? I want to make sure I can clearly communicate your request to our developers.

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Probably… :thinking:


I have this same issue, can someone help me? i lost all my SPC because of Spend Limit, I use PancakeSwap, where should be my SPC? Please help me, Thank you


yup, i was talking about this back then, its misleading, it sounds like im allowing smart contract to do transaction directly from my wallet.
especially in the transaction details, its saying

******* may access and spend up to this max amount
Amount: 1.157920892373162e+59 WETH

people think it can spend all of the money on their wallet.

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I lost all my MATIC and STORJ because of this message. This is very misleading.
I see this thread is live for around a year. Is this issue going to be addressed?

Hi @vichusg.

This has already been addressed and an update took care of it.