Перевод средств с binance

Более 10 дней назад перевел bnb с биржи binance.
Средства с биржи списались, на МетаМаск так и не пришли.
Куда надо обратиться и что сделать, чтобы вернуть средства

Hi @Mikaha165 thanks for reaching out. Have you added Binance Smart Chain manually as a custom network?

MetaMask is set by default to connect to the Ethereum Mainnet, not the BSC Network.
In order to manage your tokens on the BSC Network, you will need to do 2 things:

  1. You will need to add a custom RPC network to MetaMask to use it with the Binance Smart Chain:

or follow the instructions in this article:https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058992772-Add-Network-Custom-RPC-using-Chainlist

  1. If you sent any tokens other than BNB, you will also have to add the token as a custom token in MetaMask to see it.
    Look at the instructions on how to add the Custom token for the token you want to MetaMask here:


Lastly, if you want to move the tokens to Ethereum Mainnet, you will first need to send the tokens back to Binance. For details please check: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360059408871-Sending-funds-back-to-Binance-BSC-network-

You can find more details about BSC network at the link below or by contacting Binance support:
