Bnb from Metamask Avalancche network to BinanceBNB Smarth Chain BEP20

**Description: Bnb from MetaMask Avalancche network to BinanceBNB Smarth Chain BEP20
I made the transfer for 1.4956078536 BNB from MetaMask Avalancche network to my BinanceBNB Smarth Chain BEP20. adress 0x6f1b1a6f866f62f93d9091ad4dd2f13489d6f2f6 but the transfer didnt arrive. The id for the transaction was 0x445b6de4fe1848162b8d4a4baae21a4c4199ae49fc54c23fa771bce375c54b46, Can i recover the BNB, i really need, it hasnt been a good month.

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Hi @avelazquez01 so this is :point_down: your next MetaMask address or is it an address from the Binance site?


Is my Binance adress

Oh :confused: you will need to contact Binance support :slightly_smiling_face: when they can, they will return it to you.

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: and I hope it will turn out well.


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