Chiudere/cancellare account metamask!

E’ possibile cancellare definitivamente l’account di metamask? Siccome è stato hackerato voglio cancellarlo in modo che i truffatori non possono più usarlo e continuare a rubare dai progetti/rendite legate al mio account!
Riuscite almeno a fare questo?

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No one can do this :smile: seed phrase is immortal.

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Quindi non c’è modo che io possa cancellare l’account di metamask?
Quindi i truffatori ora potranno usare il mio account per affari illeciti?

You can’t delete metamask seed phrase :upside_down_face: if it were possible then cryptocurrencies are stupid :smile:

A seed phrase is a series of words generated by your cryptocurrency wallet that give you access to the crypto associated with that wallet.
The seed phrase enables a wallet to derive your private key. A private key to a cryptocurrency wallet is the equivalent of an ATM PIN to a bank account.

Sei un genio… nessuno te lo ha mai detto? Saccenza allo stato puro la tua e risposta completamente inutile!
Io non voglio cambiare la frase privata io voglio cancellare l’account MM per sempre!
Hai capito adesso?
Se vado in banca e dico chevoglio chiudere il conto restituisco carta, il token e addio al conto!

LOL crypto do not function as a bank :sweat_smile:

Uninstall metamask wallet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and learn what is a seed phrase :see_no_evil:
The metamask account cannot be closed.

quindi i truffatori e i ladri vincono sempre…

You can’t delete an address on the blockchain, that is just how this system works and is created. Imagine if someone could delete your address, where you maybe had a lot of money. That would be a really bad thing to happen. Sorry, but that is just how it is.


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