Didn't receive transfer

Good afternoon, I made a transfer from a wallet on binance to metamask
The transaction has already passed but the coins have not entered my wallet

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Check your on the right chain and add custom address

Tell me how to do this?

For adding custom token >>>https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489031-How-to-view-see-your-tokens-custom-tokens-in-Metamask

For adding the custom RPC network>>>https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043227612-How-to-add-custom-Network-RPC-and-or-Block-Explorer

Thank you, I did just that I put up the BSC system
BUT coins 0 as it was and remained.
Do I need to keep BNB in ​​order to transfer other coins to the wallet?

removed the transaction hash for better safety practice.
BSC will require BNB for transaction fees so yes you will need BNB to transact.
Do check the receiving address is correctly matching your Metamask address and add the token as a custom token.

Hi zusykss try the page https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/reef-finance
Reef Finance

Or add the token manually: Add Token - Custom Token
Token Contract Address: 0xf21768ccbc73ea5b6fd3c687208a7c2def2d966e

I’m having this problem right now. The transaction already have been confirmed in the Blockchain but it’s now available in my account yet. It’s a Usdt token, is there anyone to help me understanding what happened?

Mee to ı have the same situation

I did it, but it never appeared on my balance, while I made a BNB transfer, everything went in 1 minute

I replenished BNB, tell me how to delete the transaction hash, REEF never appeared

Hi zusykss try opening this page :point_down:

and click Add Token to Web3 Wallet

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Thank you, it turned out, it turns out that these are two different tokens