建議不只是靠助記詞與私鑰來保護錢包安全應該再加上透過 Google Authenticator 取得驗證碼,來作二次驗證,畢竟多一層驗證也是多少有保護錢包安全。
畢竟 透過 Google Authenticator 取得驗證碼是經過手機驗證的除非連手機也被盜,我的錢包就已經被盜轉兩次了根本找不回來
建議不只是靠助記詞與私鑰來保護錢包安全應該再加上透過 Google Authenticator 取得驗證碼,來作二次驗證,畢竟多一層驗證也是多少有保護錢包安全。
畢竟 透過 Google Authenticator 取得驗證碼是經過手機驗證的除非連手機也被盜,我的錢包就已經被盜轉兩次了根本找不回來
hi @RONG ,welcome to MetaMask community.
MetaMask is a non-custodial wallet. Unlike centralized services, your wallet is not controlled by any company. Once you have the seed phrase or private key, you are in full control of the wallet, so 2FA is pointless
MetaMask 是个非托管钱包。 与中心化服务不同,你的钱包不受任何公司控制。 一旦获取了助记词或私钥,你就可以完全掌控了这个钱包,所以二次验证是没有意义的。
Here is a more detailed explanation.
It’s only pointless when you using it to log in, nut you can use it for transactions. That way a sweeper bot cant withdraw anything without confirming it with some kind of 2FA. Only a real person, the user, can confirm is with email, SMS code or a authenticator app.