When I make a purchase through my Dapp it always gives me a gas recommendation from my website which is quite a bit higher in gas than if I cancel and choose metamasks gas fees.
Is this as intended or have I got something in my code wrong? I will link code below, and last question I promise haha.
Thanks for any help
async function mintXXXXX(how_many_XXXXX) {
if (XXXXXContract) {
const price = Number(XXXXXPrice) * how_many_XXXXX
const gasAmount = await XXXXXContract.methods.mintXXXXX(how_many_XXXXX)
console.log({from: walletAddress, value: price})
.send({from: walletAddress, value: price, gas: 0})
.on('transactionHash', function(hash){
console.log("transactionHash", hash)
} else {
console.log("Wallet not connected")