I can't see my ccars in my Metamask

Hi guys,

I apologize for my english.
So, I maked a withdraw from the cryptocar page to my Metamask account (BSC Smart Chain). In BSCscan this transaction appear like success, but until now I still not received my 732.91 CCAR tokens.
The Txn Hash is 0xa3bcd9a35e08ba94d2d47b3da999cb24f922ef5facd730c91c2a0e33b343d578

Can you help me?

add bsc chain to your mm

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This has already been done.

Add the token you need in the bnb wallet


:one: Open :point_down:

:two: Click Add Token to Web3 Wallet

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This has already been done.

Hi Luigi.
You solved my problem.
Thank you so much for the tip.

Kind regards.


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