I have sent my tokens to right adress but different network

I sent the HT Tokens in my Metamask Heco-mainnet wallet to the HT (erc-20) address written in the Trust wallet. The transaction appears to be successful in the Hecoinfo transcation detail. I think I made a mistake. Because networks are different. Can you help me?

My crypto address I’ve been sent (HT Token - erc20): 0x5362ff47937e797553F7016C30f11D24064F06b0

Transaction details’ screenshot is attached.

Hi @yildirimmehmethakan you have 2 options :smiley:

:one: You can try to get your recovery phrase from the Trust Wallet app then import it to Huobi wallet:

or :two: https://coinomi.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/29000013719-how-to-extract-private-keys-from-other-wallets find the private key the ETH addresses (Trust Wallet)
Import ETH private key: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489331-How-to-import-an-Account :point_right: switch on Heco-mainnet and add HT Tokens