I lost my ETH in METAMASK

Try to buy Axie NFT in Opensea, but turn out its Locked. But then my ETH in Metamask become 0. And I’m not receiving anything in Opensea

Below the detail tx in Etherscan:

TxHash: 0xba49ed13b366104ebf5dbb04c5d3302111b8cde3518e3bab097464dbee6edd95
Time stamp: Jul-26-2021 03:59:18 AM +UTC
From my address: 0x7b106b96b4ea6cb0b5f275d43e13bd434a5dcff8
To: 0x8682683b7eb849c8fda99fe4da048d9474d072f2
Value: 0.3083168932 Ether