I was staking Cake for compounding in pancakebunny. I had 1 bunny and almost 534 cakes. I called the function withdraw all. I eventually received them all in my MetaMask wallet. I wanted to withdraw them to binance exchange wallet and hence selected the cake on MetaMask and clicked on send. Somehow, I had to copy the wallet address from binance exchange account and hence out clicked. When I opened the MetaMask again, there was nothing in my wallet. I checked the transactions activity and it was there as completed. It was my first withdrawal activity, was speechless to see nothing.
I then checked binance smart chain using the transaction ID to see where the tokens have gone, and found they were sent to pancake router. Could anyone help me how to get my tokens back to wallet from pancakeswap router?? Is there any recall function?? I have not really slept for last two days as could not do anything.
Your help would be highly appreciated.