İ use wrong network

I have sent SHİB From Binance to my METAMASK account by using BSC Network and it hasn’t been received yet, I have live chat with Binance and they said you used the wrong network so you should connect to Matamask to recovering that Token.

Hi @murat4154 see this forum post :point_down:

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Hello me again thanks for the answer but ı did all off this steps i add shib in my metamask and ı also ı setup my bsc wallet ı do the same steps with that too but ı cant see my tokens and also - Add Token to Web3 Wallet - ı cant see this button.

You must add SHIB contract address :slightly_smiling_face:
Click :point_right: Add Token - and add contract address:

okey ı found it thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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