Is it possible to approve the tokens to the custom smart contract using QR code on metamask?

Hello is it possible to approve the Ethereum mainnet tokens to the custom smart contract using QR code on MetaMask?
const uri = ethereum:${tokenAddr}@1/approve?spender=${spenderAddr}&value=${amountInWei};
const uri =${tokenAddr}@1/approve?address=${spenderAddr}&uint256=${amountInWei};
const uri = ethereum:${tokenAddr}@1/approve?address=${spenderAddr}&uint256=${amountInWei};
const uri =${spenderAddr}&uint256=${amountInWei};

I tried to generate the deeplink qr code with this, but all is unavailalbe on MetaMask app.
Please help me.

Hi @logicsculptor what device is it on are you using android we had an issue with android. Could you please check all the open issues here: GitHub · Where software is built

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