Metasmak-extension: Facing issue in local setup

Hi, I am trying to setup MetaMask-extension repo in local. But, getting following error when I am running Yarn to install dependencies:

System Info:
OS: Windows 10
Node Version: 16.20.0
npm Version: 8.19.4

Please help

Hello @suraj !
Welcome to MetaMask community !

Are you using this guide?
The problem is probably related to the first run after switching from yarn1 to yarn3.

Also try these steps:

  1. rm -rf node_modules

  2. rm -rf .yarn/cache

  3. yarn install (as opposed to yarn) at least once before using just yarn in the future.

If that doesn’t help, try deleting yarn.lock.


Hi @snwlprd.eth , Thanks for the help.
The issue was with yarn version I was trying to install dependencies with yarn v1 :sweat_smile:
After updating it to v3, installation worked fine :+1:

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