Not able to import custom tokens on MM from Ganache

Greetings, I had no issues until the latest update of MM that I performed today.
MM is no longer displaying the import of custom erc20 tokens that I use as a dev on my local machine(Ubuntu+chrome). I use truffle+ganache and connect through localhost for the communication.

When I try to import my custom erc20 token, it does not appear on MM and then, when I visit Settings - > Advanced, it displays in red “TokenService Error: ChainId 0x539 is not supported”. That is 1337 in decimal, and is the chainid entered for Ganache in the MM network setting.

As an Ethereum dev, it is important for me to quickly look up balances of custom imported erc20 tokens on MM.

I have no difficulty importing the same on MM, when i deploy my custom erc20 token on goerli testnet. However, Goerli test ETH are hard to get recently for extensive testing. I could build a custom dapp to display wallet balances but it was convenient to look it up on MM, when it worked. Hope this is a bug and not a ‘feature’ and the import of custom erc20 tokens using chainid 1337 can be supported.


Digging into this for you. You can also share this question with the Truffle team at GitHub Discussions if you would like, link is here to their support:

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Hi All,

I have the exact same issue, it just happened to me a few mins ago after updating my MetaMask, everything was working fine until I go this error message:
TokenService Error: ChainId 0x539 is not supported

I also use MM for my local Ganache development

Any updates on this issue?

Hi @gquinn ,

Can you post your ganache question here:

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I am having the same issues since the MM update. I am not using Ganache, only Hardhat. Everything else works fine, only the TokenService is throwing the error when adding a custom token on local network.

I tested added my custom token on Brave browser wallet and it works perfectly find.

Cleary not a Ganache or Hardhat issue, but a MetaMask TokenService issue on localhost.

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