Hi all again ,
For another next unknown reason my MM-wallet won’t
cooperate with pancakeswap, or vice versa .
Want to swap ADA for bsc, but when waiting for confirmation from
within my MM-wallet or other source pancakeswap (PS) stalls i.e. can’t
proceed - I don’t see no Transaction in my MM-wallet to confirm
Only got this.
Can’t store two networks with the same ID 56 .
@WiFox do not create another network just adjust the old settings
rewrite BSC to BNB
Not possible
Won’t work
Will not allow to save new settings.
Btw., whats up with this ?
Why is there ETH swapped for ADA when i never did so ?
Delete BSC network and add it again you can also try the page https://chainlist.org/
Not able to delete that or any network.
Switch network to Ethereum Mainnet and click to X
Aha, ok .
Maybe a dumm question ,
but what will happen with my funds when i delete that network
in my MM-wallet ?
Won’t the wallet create a new address on the same network, i.e.
then lose the link to those funds ?
@WiFox don’t worry when you remove the BSC network
ADA token is still at your address.
Add BSC network + ADA token again.
Yes, thanks again .
But i’m actually more concerned about my bsc funds.
Oh well
And you can asure me they won’t get lost when i delete the bsc-network
from my MM-wallet ?
Your eth address is important (and your seed phrase) you can delete the network and add it again…
Add a network according to this guide:
Currency Symbol is BNB not BSC coin
What was the reason again why you can’t swap ADA to BNB simply within
the MM-wallet ?
( Btw., a growing off topic desire :
Is there any hidden switch within MM-wallet to turn the wallet to dark mode ?
That would be really easier on the eyes, especially at night.
Most other sites in crypto offer a dark theme to activate. )
@WiFox Dark mode is currently only available on MetaMask Mobile (v4.3.0)
It will be launched on the browser extension soon so stay tuned
But ADA is on bsc, at least according to the token details.
So why cant ADA and BNB be swapped in MM ?
I’ve read so many articles about crypto coins, networks, tokens,
wrapped coins, bridges, etc. ,
and today i’m even more confused than before .
Now please dont take this personally Luigi,
cause you are fantastic and one of few sources of hope in this space for me,
but i am so fed up and confused with crypto by now.
And with my experiences so far, i cant see how it will ever change the
world for a better for the masses and how
most people could ever grasp this messy technology which 9/10 times doesn’t
work like it should.
I’ve already lost some money and missed some life changing investments cause of all the failures and delays i’ve had in crypto.
Srry, i just had to release some frust here, for i’m just not getting anywhere with crypto.
@WiFox hmm it should work
you have already changed the BSC network settings?
You can try another browser + MetaMask wallet maybe it will work better.
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