Problem connecting wallets on Mobile

I’m building a dapp, and for some reason, I can’t successfully connect wallets on mobile. It is working perfectly on desktop.

import './App.css'
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function TestButton() {
const [currentAccount, setCurrentAccount] = useState(null);  
const { ethereum } = window;

const checkWalletIsConnected = async () => {
    if (!ethereum) {
        console.log("Make sure you have a crypto wallet installed!");
        alert("Please install a crypto wallet!");
    } else {
        console.log("Wallet exists. We're ready to go!");
    const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_accounts'});        
    const networkId = await ethereum.request({ method: 'net_version'});
    if (accounts.lenght !==0) {
        if(networkId !== "4"){
            alert("Please change to Rinkeby Network.");
            console.log("Wrong network");
        } else {
            const account = accounts[0];
            console.log("Found an authorized account: ", account);
        } else {
        console.log("No authorized account found")
  const connectWalletHandler = async () => {
    if (!ethereum) { 
        alert("Please install a crypto wallet!");
      try {
        const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });
        const networkId = await ethereum.request({ method: 'net_version'});
        if(networkId !== "4"){
            console.log("Wrong network");
            console.log("Found an account! Address: ", accounts[0]);
        } catch (err) {

const connectWalletButton = () => {    
   return (        
    <button onClick={connectWalletHandler} className='connect-w-button'>
    Connect your wallet        

const workedText = () => {
    return (
        Hello, it worked.        
  useEffect(() => {
    if (ethereum) {
      ethereum.on('accountsChanged', function (accounts) {
        console.log("Address has been changed");
      ethereum.on('chainChanged', function (networkId) {
        console.log("Network ID Changed");
      console.log("Install Crypto Wallet");
  }, [])

    return (    
            {currentAccount ? workedText() : connectWalletButton()}
export default TestButton

On MetaMask’s Mobile Browser its showing wrong network alert before/after wallet is connected. I reviewed my code several times and can’t find anything. Any suggestions?

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Hi @ppm.eth ,

Check out these Mobile section of the MetaMask docs here -

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I did actually, but no success.


I also tried to detect the mobile provider manually as mentioned there, but the same error persists.



Hi, I’m facing the same problem, here’s a solution. You need to manually define the mobile device (in my ios version)

function isMobileDevice() {
  return "ontouchstart" in window || "onmsgesturechange" in window;

Next we need to create a url for our application using MetaMask:

 const dappUrl = "thisWillBeYourUniqueWEB3URL";
 const metamaskAppDeepLink = "" + dappUrl;

Then you need to add the following code:

                    onClick={() => {
                      if (isMobileDevice()) {
                      } else {
              "", "_blank");
                 >Click me</Button>

I can’t attach a link here to my github, where a separate thread shows the solution to this problem :zipper_mouth_face:
And by the way, putting ‘accountsChanged’ and ‘chainChanged’ methods in a hook useEffect is a big performance hit due to re-rendering.


Thank you for your reply @snwlprd.eth .

That will make my dapp to open from Safari to MetaMask’s Browser right?
But my problem is inside the app’s browser already.

I just tested with Coinbase’s browser and it is working, but MetaMask isn’t. I’m confused.



Please describe the problem in more detail if you can. Do you have error logs?

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I don’t have any log because I did not setup a local development server to debug mobile.

But for some reason on MetaMask’s app, the connection is stuck here:

if(networkId !== "4"){
            alert("Please change to Rinkeby Network.");
            console.log("Wrong network");

The alert opens before and after the Connect your wallet button is pressed.

On desktop everything is running smoothly without any console errors.


Did you get the dapp url right?

Try to define the provider and hang a handler on it.

const provider = await detectEthereumProvider();

const setListener = provider => {
provider.on(“chainChanged”, _ => window.location.reload());

also can you sandbox this or provide a repository ?


I tried to post a Sandbox but can’t post links…

I will try the handler.


Did you try? or havent yet

Same thing :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
Any tips?

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Need some error logs to better understand the issue

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I’ll try to log something and I’ll let you guys know. From what I read I’ll have to build MetaMask’s app locally in order to debug.

Hey @ppm.eth ,

Just to throw it out there, making sure you’ve also checked out MetaMask Flask?

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I did not know about this feature. Can we mobile log from there?

Hi @ppm.eth ,

There is no mobile version of Flask, my bad.

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