Receive ETH from Binance

Hi Community,

I sent some ETH from Binance using ERC20 to my Metamask address.
Etherscan shows transaction was successful.
Balance shows zero.
What do I have to do to get the wallet to show the ETH balance?


Hi read this:

Hi Andy,

I recovered my wallet using MEW CX and can see eth in balance.
I then reinstalled chrome metamask extension and still unable to recover wallet.
I also tried Brave and had the same result…

Looks like I will have to create a new Metmask wallet and xfer some DAI to it and see if that works.

Cheers Karl.

Hi Karl, OK try it :upside_down_face: I use Firefox + Metamask.

Welcome to the MetaMask Community @Merecat22!! :fox_face: :rocket:

You can find an answer to your question here.