Release F-Droid (FOSS) compatible version of the Metamask mobile app

As an ungoogled user using /e/ foundation OS, I want to be able to download and use the Metamask app on my phone. However this app is not available yet - as you can check on this page.

It is surprising to me not to be an “open” app when you actually deal with “decentralization” :man_shrugging:

So I’d like to suggest to make the Metamask application available on F-Droid.

I’m do not know exhaustively what steps are needed.

Any helps is very welcome.

Looking forward to hearing from the community about this situation.

You can download the original installation package directly on github, why do you have to download it on F-Droid?

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Microsoft GitHub is proprietary, but F-droid is Free/Libre Software; that’s why.

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