Request for Assistance with MetaMask Phishing Site Block Issue


Our domain has been flagged and blocked by MetaMask as a phishing site. We have already submitted an appeal through the Eth-Phishing-Detect repository on GitHub, but we have not received any response so far.

We would greatly appreciate any guidance on additional steps we can take to resolve this issue, or if anyone could assist us in connecting with the relevant team for further communication.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Please take note of this. I urgently request your prompt assistance. We are unjustly suffering due to reports from unknown users.

Please refer to the attached photo for the details. If we receive an explanation for the block, we would like to resolve the issue and submit our appeal. We would appreciate it if you could provide us with a way to communicate with the responsible staff.

Hi there @yourtrump , please do not create multiple forum posts for the same issue, I have moved the new one created here. If you already submitted the appeal on github please wait for the team to look into it. We appreciate your patience and understanding.


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