Request to add support for Smart Wallets compliant with ERC4337

Feature request to add support for the creation and management of Smart Accounts compliant with ERC4337 and the ability to send UserOperations from the Wallet UI.

With the rising popularity of Account Abstraction enabled Dapps, support for ERC4337 wallets is becoming increasingly pertinent. Currently, dApps are managing creation of smart wallets and userOps via client SDKs locally in their Dapps. But there are limited options for using Smart Wallets outside of these dapps ; namely Argent, Safe, Avocado etc. These wallets allow users not only to setup these smart wallets, but also to send User Operations, perform custom validations , multisig , social recovery etc. And this is available on a wallet which is accessible outside the dapp and not limited to in-app usage.

MetaMask being the most widely used web3 wallet, must integrate support for Smart Wallets and UserOperations if it wishes to retain its usage in the future.


ClientSDKs like ethersjs / web3js are used to create Transaction objects, similarly there are clientSDKs to create UserOps objects as well, which are signed and sent to Bundlers. We can perform these signatures on MetaMask and can receive rpcUrls from the dapp of their chosen bundlers. Similarly, we there is some custom validation involved like a biometric verification / google sessions keys; these would have to be passed along as well by MetaMask to on-chain.
