Sent CENX to personal wallet address

I believe I made two mistakes here. The first being I clicked on the receive button from my MetaMask Home Screen and the second not being able to find centcex on MetaMask when trying to import it. I can see that it was sent to my wallet in BscScan, but I’m not really sure what to do here. I’ve read some people were able to figure this problem out but using different apps. This was sent from Bee Wallet directly to my personal MetaMask wallet address.

My wallet address


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Hello @Benevolenthymn !
Welcome to the MetaMask community !

You can solve the problem by reading the following articles

Add the token yourself using the address of the token contract or use Advanced automatic token detection


:pushpin: Be very careful !

You buy CENX Token, you will lose 20% if you want to sell.
They block sales to prevent people from selling or charge a very high fee.


Another easy way to add token to your MetaMask is if you go to CoinGecko, search for your token, select the BSC network and click :fox_face: icon you can see I have marked in the screenshot


So I think what’s happening here is MetaMask doesn’t have CENX listed. But, when I went to pull up cenx in MetaMask I instead clicked on my main wallet and used the receive button there instead of pulling up cenx first and then clicking the receive button when on that specific token. What happens when you just click the receive button at the top of the page? I’ll post a pick so you know what I mean

I used that receive button and I’m not really sure what that receive button is for if everything else has its own receive button.
And if cenx isn’t on MetaMask is there a way to use my wallet address to send it somewhere else? Because I did send it to my personal MetaMask wallet.

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The receive button is the same as if you would copy the address for Account 1 you see in the picture, starting with 0x793B. You did nothing wrong. In order to see your tokens, you need to add BNB Smart Chain network and import the contract address of CENX, which you can get from Coingecko as BlueSpaceBike showed above or from CoinMarketCap.

Please read snwlprd.eth’s linked articles also and take a look at these as well:


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