Small amount of currency

I got 4 different type of currency together its like 20$ and cant do anything with thim make it sonthcan be combined in to one no matter how small the amounts are ant take any fee’s oit of the final combined transaction




Hi, I’m not sure I understand. Please correct me if I understood incorrectly.
You have 4 tokens that total up to around $20. But you don’t have native tokens to cover the gas fees and you want to be able to swap all of them together into one token and then pay the swap/ gas fees out of that total?
Unfortunately that’s not possible because for every transaction that you do you need to pay gas fees in the native token of the network (for ethereum it’s ETH, for BNB Smart chain its’ BNB, for Arbitrum it’s ETH as well and so on).


Keep in mind that all transactions in the blockchain are required to pay gas fees, this transactions include sending, swapping, bridging, etc.

In MetaMask this will be always paid in the native token of the network you are currently using and cannot be paid with other than that, here you can find more information about how this works with MetaMask User Guide: Gas

I Hope this replies to your concern!