Styling and Images in Snaps


I was wondering if there is any workout rendering PNGs within the Image components? Why are the Image snap components limited to svgs?

Also, how can one style the Snap components such as boxes?

Oh also, the url https: //docs. MetaMask. io/snaps/features/custom-ui/with-jsx/
#box for the box does not work

Hi @askar thank you so much for contacting us :pray: I’m sure here you can find more information, resources, and community links to start discussions regarding your question :fox_face:

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Hi Star! Thanks for replying, but I would love to talk a technical member, because I’ve spent hours digesting the docs for snaps, and it doesn’t show any indication for styling?
https: //docs. MetaMask. io/snaps/ get-started/ quickstart/

That said, are snaps only meant to enhance the experience, and not actually integrate or change the current UI, correct?

Got it :pray: thanks for the info.
While Snaps are indeed designed to enhance the user experience by adding features and functionality to MetaMask, they can also modify the user interface. Snaps can provide custom user interfaces in dialogs and in the transaction confirmation flow. However, their ability to modify the MetaMask UI is currently limited and they often rely on companion dapps and their custom JSON-RPC API methods to present their data to the user. Over time, it is a goal of the Snaps system to allow more Snaps to contain their user interfaces entirely within MetaMask itself.

Using the link I sent you above you can also interact with the dev’s communities and share discussions regarding your question :smiley: MetaMask/snaps · Discussions · GitHub or here Consensys


Okay, thank you. I will let you know if my issues go unresolved.