Swap still pending after weeks

Hi all,

Newbie here. I have - actually some time ago - attempted to swap a coin to ETH which didnt fully execute.

It still says “pending” - but the gas fee for this transaction seems to have been taken by the miners.

Speeding up would ask for an enormous fee, cancel I cannot due to insufficient ETH funds currently in that wallet.

How would I proceed now. Do I need to cancel this - pending - transaction, or can I just execute a new one? Why might this have failed in the first place?

Thank you for your guidance

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Thank you for your reply, I would like to mention that those transaction were not to be found on etherscan. I just now reset my account, so those activities are not visible to me anymore.

Here is the account address: 0x504f2078EAf25d16F523ddFF2486b5007D628043

Thanks for your support and help

Thanks, but now that I dont see that due to the reset, can I just issue a new one. Or how could I proceed this transaction now?