I bought directly on Metamask the Elongate and Safemoon tokens.
The transactions are confirmed on BSCscan.
However, impossible to get the value of the two tokens in metamask.
I still have 0 safemoon and 0 Elongate.
So I can’t even resell them because they are at 0.
Please, how can I get the value of the tokens in Metamask?
Hi and welcome to the site!
Metamask uses the coingecko API to pull fiat values for tokens, and they don’t have every token in their API. Please reach out to them directly to request that they add it.
Thanks, I will follow your advise
Nevertheless your request seems complex to be done : to ask coingecko to add the fiat values of my 2 tokens ? Is it the only possibility ?
I think my issue comes from the swap I have done directly on Metamsk (between bnb and the tokebs), without going through Pancakeswap
I am lost
Not displaying fiat values for tokens does not mean you do not hold them. You are holding the tokens regardless.