TX speed up not working randomly

Occasionally when I send a TX, I try to speed it up. This only occurs some of the time, but for some reason, the speed up does not work at all(The GWEI does not change). On top of this, it removes the ability to speed it up again, from either location where one would click the button to do so. This problem occurs both on my regular wallet and hardware wallet. I previously encountered this on the latest version, and reverted to try and avoid it, but it still occurs on this version too.

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Hey, I’m having a similar issue with speeding up.
After 1-2 hours passes, it never works.

This is the error I’m getting constantly;


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Please refer to the following link. You need to choose the gas parameters based on the amounts given on the relevant block explorer at the time of the transaction.

“In order to successfully complete the transaction, you should issue a new transaction whilst raising the amount of gas you pay. However, before you do so, check on the relevant block explorer (e.g. Etherscan, BscScan, Polygonscan etc.) to make sure you are not generating an increasingly longer queue of pending transactions.”


Hey Maryam1, thanks for the guide.

Now I’m not getting any errors but submitting speed ups still not working.
Nothing happens or no error displays after hitting submit.

What would you suggest?

PS: this issue only happens after a certain period of time passes from the original TX.
I mean if I try to speed up a TX like within the first 5-10 minutes, I never had these kind of issues.
When try it after a few hours, I never get to succeed.


Additionally, %10 increase in gas works in these circumstances. But that’s not always enough to speed up things. I guess there’s an issue with alternative gas selections like market, aggressive or advanced since only %10 working.

Can you please explain more? Do you mean that speeding up with 10% gas increase is available in such cases (for example, 10 minutes after issuing a transaction as you mentioned above) , but the other options such as “Advanced” are not available?

Make sure that the Advanced gas controls is on. You can turn it on in advanced settings.

The following link can help you as well:


To better assist you, please respond to my questions above.
The following article can help you as well.



When I want to speed up a TX that has been sent a couple of hours earlier, none of the below default speed up selections are working.


If you select one of the above and hit submit, literally nothing happens. Submit button is still there doing nothing. But if you choose the one that says “%10 increase”, it works.

If you try to speed up a TX within like 10-15 minutes after it’s sent to blockchain, there are no issues. All default selections are working.

Hope I’m clear now. (:

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Hi @eNFThusiast,

Thanks for the reply. The data may not be available for the market you are using, and that may be a reason MetaMask does not show it.
Do you still have a pending transaction? If yes, what is the status of the transaction on the Etherscan?


Hey Maryam1,

Sorry, I don’t have a pending TX at the moment. I can’t take screenshots of the issue.

I believe the language barrier is affecting us here. (: Cause the issue is not something like “MetaMask doesn’t show it” or something to do with an available market. But yes, I’m talking about the TXs on Ethereum network.

Let me try Google Translate;

As you know, when we want to speed up a transaction in MetaMask, you provide a few options that we can choose by default.

These options are; “Aggresive”, “Market”, “Low” and “Advanced”. If only a short time has passed since this transaction we initiated, all of these options are working. There is no problem with that.

However, if several hours have passed since the transaction we started, only “Low” of these options works, the others do not.

In other words, when I want to speed up a process that has passed 3 hours, for example, if I select “market” from the predefined options and click “submit”, no action takes place in MetaMask.

Since I don’t have a pending transaction at the moment, I can’t check it now, but you changed the name of the “Low” option to “10% increase” if I remember correctly. That’s why I used this expression in my previous post.

In summary, when we want to speed up a transaction that has passed for a few hours, none of the options shown in the GIF below work except the “low” option.

However, if 15-20 minutes have passed since the action we started, all options are working.

I hope it’s clear now. (:

The link to the image: https://support.metamask.io/hc/article_attachments/13556957025819

Oh by the way, the error screenshot I’ve shared in the beginning happens sometimes, not always.

Thanks for the explanation. I do not know what may have caused this. The topic is open and we can have other community members’ responses on this.