What does "no quotes available" mean?

If you receive this message when attempting a swap, it is because there is not enough liquidity to execute the trade.

“Liquidity” meaning that there is not a market for people trying to trade the token pair you selected. There isn’t a match for your swap request on exchanges MetaMask Swaps uses.

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I have this message also when trying to SWAP some MOON TOKEN into BNB on metamask. So will i ever be able to cash in on my Moon Token then?


Swap availability is based on the liquidity that is available on the market. There is not a way to know when there may or may not be liquidity available. You can check back periodically.


nah. It still gives the error when there is a healthy liquidity pool


But I have enough ethereum but still kishu currency is not exchanged! There is no amount in the balance !!

Mine says the same for tiger king but if the price is going up and I have enough eth to burn then I’m not sure why theres not enough liquid esp if it says the value is there

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i have the same problem for days trying to swap bnb for cake. you cant tell me theres no liquidity. i cant even swap 1 bnb.

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