What is the date when the Android SDK support started for React Native?


I am in the process of developing a P2E dApp using React Native, and I have successfully connected MetaMask with our dApp during development. There were no issues in the test environment. However, after completing the deployment to the App Store and Play Store, starting from June 2023, I discovered that MetaMask could no longer connect to the dApp on Android devices.

I recall that there was an official notice regarding issues with the deeplink connection method around that time. However, this information is no longer present in the current documentation. This situation has caused some difficulties for us, and I would like to obtain specific information regarding when MetaMask updated this issue.

Could you please provide a link to the relevant release notes or any clear documentation update that confirms this change?

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi Mike did we talk on discord earlier could you please confirm. Thanks

Hi Roo, no, we haven’t talked on Discord before.

I see that there is a similar issue let me add it here: [Bug]: Switching networks on the UI does not work consistently · Issue #13710 · MetaMask/metamask-mobile · GitHub

Thank you for your attention and assistance.
This post was made two days ago.
What I clearly need is information about the release notes where MetaMask improved and updated the React Native Android SDK.

Absolutely could you please comment on the issue, you can check the releases here: Releases · MetaMask/metamask-sdk · GitHub