Why are my ETH buys using ApplePay being declined

“Transaction failed. Please try again later.

Each time I try to buy ETH the transaction fails using Apple Pay. How do I fix this issue.

Hi @JeepaLot please refer to this support documentation on how to purchase ETH: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058239311-Buy-ETH

Your reply has nothing to do with the issue I am having.

Apple Pay is not working for me with MetaMask and using WYRE is not working as well. Transactions are failing before hitting Etherscan.

Are you able to check my MetaMask account and find out why I am not able to make purchases of ETH?


@JeepaLot I’m going to open a support ticket. I would need more details to check this further. Thank you

Thank you for your response.

Please let me know what details you need so we can proceed to solve this issue.

Thank you

I have the same problem. All deposits by apple pay are declined :confused: @0xroo