Add Bluetooth support to Mobile App and/or Chrome Extension (Ledger Nano X)

This function is very good and convenient to use, I hope it can be realized

Alright guys, I think itā€™s time we get some communication on this topic, @nakedwinnie

Please no more ā€œWe will update you as soon as we canā€. It has been literally two years by now since this topic has been opened. This blog post here ledger(.)com/blog/ledger-MetaMask-strengthen-partnership-ledger-nano-x-soon-compatible-with-MetaMask-mobile-app is from last July, but it stated that the feature releases ā€œsoonā€ - I mean, I work in software dev too, and I know that timelines are more of a suggestion, but come on.

Just tell us, what is the issue? Can we help? What do you need to ship this ASAP?


The team is aiming to launch this feature this quarter.

Iā€™m really sorry about the delay and understand the frustration, I try to communicate and provide as much information as possible, and will always let you know when more updates can be shared.


Please make this function possible. We desperately need Bluetooth MetaMask for mobile app on nano X

I need this feature before I travel in April. k thanks.


It seems that itā€™s not a technical issue. If it was the case, the feature would have already been implemented. I canā€™t imagine your devs are not able to do it safely within 2 yearsā€¦ or we have another issue hereā€¦ :slight_smile:
Last year you said that it was for 2022.

Why donā€™t you just say that itā€™s not MetaMask stragegy to implement it. You may have your reasons and everyone could accept it but please, donā€™t let people wait like thisā€¦


12 days. Are they still on target for a launch before the end of q1?

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Cant wait for this! This is a must have

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Three days left in q1, hope it will be delivered and i can take out my nano x from the drawer

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For real man. If we dont get it im switching wallets. Plent of wallets out there that support this feature already.

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Is the option enabled?

Unfortunately this feature was not delivered in Q1. Iā€™m very sorry to share the news and I will provide more updates whenever I can.

And good news, ledger is also working on a browser extension :slight_smile:


Turns out when you wait long enough someone else will drink your milkshake. Rainbow wallet released an option to connect a ledger nano x with their iOS app, which is basically just what we always wanted. Turns out itā€™s not that hardā€¦

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currently on ios, Zerion wallet and 1inch wallet support ledger nano x !!

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Any news on this at all?

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Time to give up on MetaMask deliving this seemingly simple feature, I mean ledgers with Bluetooth have been out for over 4 years already?

I have today tried all 3 wallets mentioned above, Rainbow, 1inch and Zerion on android, all have working support for Ledger by Bluetooth.

We donā€™t have any updates to share yet, but once we hear something we will post here right away!

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Still no news and no dates. Security is very important and lack in Ledger support is a strong limitation.
You are forcing your users to look for other walletsā€¦


Can anyone recommend an alternative to ledger and MetaMask that solves this though? Will switch if there is.