Android DApp sends an approve request to MetaMask via WalletConnect V2, and the received approve quantity will change

Android WalletConnect V2 connect MetaMask。
DApp sends approve request to MetaMask , and the MetaMask received approve quantity will change

dapp send data:

MetaMask received data:

dapp send approveNum:

MetaMask received approveNum:


Is this your GH ticket? Is this for MetaMask SDK?


Hi @carl I experience the same issue on iOS and Android with WalletConnect v2 (native apps and mobile webapp with deeplinks using wagmi)

Did you find a workaround ?

I have a different behaviour between iOS/Chrome extension app for the same Approval request

My data is in both cases :

On iOS, it’s showing :

On Desktop :
2.718124265016208548 (correct amount)

This is one transaction hash executed from the iOS app : 0x47e1893e9728e082613b8237127e54f1253046a05908a213a57c88f6aa5fa454?trace=0

Why the iOS app is trying to change the amount with a lower amount than request in the transaction data ?
Thanks for your support !

Hi @selenium79 did you open a support ticket about it if not please do:

I am not sure I can
I get for MetaMask wallet:

Is there a way to open a github issue ?

also this discussion look similar


Yes it looks similar would you mind commenting here, adding more details about your case: Android DApp sends an approve request to MetaMask via WalletConnect V2, and the received approve quantity will change. · Issue #7148 · MetaMask/metamask-mobile · GitHub Are you using walletconnect too? Thanks

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