Approvals not showing on bscscan (to revoke) - Please help

Dear employee,

Recently I “Approved” a token on BSC. Now I want to revoke that approval as soon as possible. I scrolled through some topics and found the way to see all the “Approvals” of a specific wallet on bscscan(dot)com. It shows as follows:
“Showing 8 of 8 approved contracts found”

“No matching records found”

So I approved 8 tokens apparently, but I can not seem to see one :frowning:. I found out in some sub-menu that I approved some for PancakeSwap (not a problem), but I found the sub-menu for the one I want removed… I clicked on it of course, and then it says:
“Showing 1 of 1 approved contracts found”

“No matching records found”

How to revoke the approval if it’s not showing :frowning:? Please help.


PS: I can’t seem to add picture to the post, but I have one to clarify what I mean if needed.