Base usdc to arbitrum eth

Hello, I have more than three hours waiting for a transaction from Base (USDC) to Arbitrum (ETH)

any suggestions?


hi @jmtizure . Your base-usdc has been bridged to arb-usdc.
It looks like the bridge won’t continue, you can close the page and swap it to eth

Sometimes the bridge does not complete successfully. You only need to check the changes in your funds on debank, and then swap it.


Hi tuya, thanks a lot for your response.

Yes, the funds were in USDC.e on Arbitrum, now I sent them to my ETH network and everything is OK.



same problem with me please explain in brefely with screenshot my ezeth more than 22 hours

please help me i can bridge ezeth on bnb to arb chain more than 22 hours please help in brefely my address 0xD5a5900C75DDE1B2F09a28cBb57ddbAA6571A7B8 please help

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Please delete your number from your post, this is a public forum and that information should not be shared here.

For your transaction, make sure you have ezeth on arbitrum networked added as a token, and confirm your transaction has arrived on


i delete number i can allredy add ezeth on MetaMask on arb chain but tranjection is still pending my addres 0xD5a5900C75DDE1B2F09a28cBb57ddbAA6571A7B8 bridge bnb to arb chain is any solution please tell me i can all reday contact to MetaMask soppot they cannot solve my problem on can create ticket and ticket is 24 old is any solution please tell me

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A ticket was created for you and someone from the support team will be with you as soon as they can


how much time taken to solve this problem you can any idea please tell me

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hello your problem solved or not
my problem is not solved MetaMask team cannot solve my problem what can i do

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hello your problem solved or not
my problem is not solved MetaMask team cannot solve my problem what can i do please tell me

Please continue communicating with the support team through your ticket, someone will be with you as soon as they can!