Hello. I withdrew a very small amount of ETH from Binance to my Metamask acc. It’s been almost 1 hour and it doesn’t show up. I was connected to BSC before ETH transfer to Metamask. What should I do?
Hello canthou
Click Add token - select Custom Token and add Token Contract Address:
Thank you so much. Sorry I am a noob.
Now, I want to swap my eth to another crypto using uniswap but I need to be connected to Eth Mainnet and there my ETH from BSC do not show up. What should I do?
It’s OK I was happy to help you.
HODL Ethereum hehe
I got same issue, can you please help me where from get custom token ?
Hi, Can you please help me where i can find custom token address
what token? i need more info
I send very small amount of Eth from Binance to my Metamask, but still i am not able to see my fund in metamask. please check details.
in my metamask balance showing $0
imfaisal Hmm and you added BSC?
No, I didn’t added BSC
Never mind! imfaisal add Binance Smart Chain NOW
Settings - Networks - Add Network
Network Name: Smart Chain
New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com
Click SAVE
Next step: Click Add token - select Custom Token and add Token Contract Address:
Enter the www address manually
OR test next address:
and maybe you have a gap there
Hi Luigi,
I am struggling also. I originally moved some ethereum from binance to metamask (I downloaded the binance smart chain after moving the money over to ethereum mainnet). It is saying I have received the ETH but it isn’t coming up:
How do I get it to show?
Hi Kate try this:
Switch networks up top by clicking on “Main Ethereum Network”, selecting the Ropsten Test Network, and then switching back again…
Hi Luigi,
I tried that but nothing has changed hmmm any other suggestions?
Kate I am out of ideas maybe
and test Metamask on another browser
Hi Luigi, can you help me? I transfered my ETH to custom bsc network and now i cant do anything with them. Is there any way of transfering them back to eth network?